I am learning an important lesson these days.
The "weight" of financial strain, relational challenges, medical concerns, job shortages, trials in church, at work, in the world at large...they can really take their toll...if we allow them to.
Its difficult to see past all that can worry us. There are realities that we sometimes must face in order to continue on our journey in this life. The beautiful efficiency of God is this: while we "trudge" on our journey and sometimes scrape and achingly walk uphill...there are little gifts He provides. These gifts can sustain us, if we let them. We can see them if we ask Him to open our eyes.
I am often tempted to close my eyes and try not to see that which troubles me. However, if my eyes are closed...I will also miss many things that I really NEED to see.
My prayer is that I would lean on the Giver and soak in the gifts so that I may faithfully walk the path ahead.
Karrie dear - i love this entry as it so completely defines my daily life; struggling always about one thing or another and then having the real beauties blurred by all that anxiety. Must make the enemy very happy. thank you for reminding me to focus on true beauty - like three little pairs of toes!!! I love you! Mama
Sweet Karrie~
What a beautiful expression of such an important truth. You speak right into my heart. I do pray that you will see each treasure and be present in the present. That's where God is. Right there with you. With all of those beautiful things. Your blog has so many treasures in it! Thank you for it. I love you.
What a good reminder :-) God is so good to give you, and me, and all of us "little" things that so reflect His heart for us.
I love you, Auntie, and I hope you are doing well :)
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