Sunday, February 4, 2007

God of the Details

There is no doubt that God is God of everything. I don't question the big stuff much anymore. But I do wrestle with the details. The things that matter to me, but in the big picture, aren't all that vital. I have hashed this over with my husband and with other loved ones (you know who you are). I still wrestle and think and wonder...but lately, things that matter to me, but not to the fate of the world, appear to be orchestrated by his loving hand.

I had a job interview Friday with a very neat person. The job and the office look like a terrific place to work, I think I really would like this job. The hang-up is the picking the kids up/dropping them off and working that out with husband's schedule. When she and I compared notes regarding the work schedule, her needs matched up nearly exactly with ours! Down to the time of day etc.! I have been offered the job and will most likely accept it. The point is, many things about this job are perfect for me, its the first listing I found when I started to look and the one I wanted the most. Those all feel important to me, but nothing was so worriesome as the schedule and getting to the kids when I need to. Though I am sure there will be many hiccups and imperfections along the way, this very "dire" detail seems to have been lovingly taken care of.

We are hosting a super bowl party for our Corridor group tonight. I am excited about it. Not just because its the super bowl (and I DO love football), but because its something I can do WITH my husband. Together we can prepare our home space and our hearts for loving on these precious folks, and together we can yell at the game and refill the chili bowls around the room. Together we can play, laugh and pray and everything in between. Doing things with my husband is another "vital detail" to me; thus this game and party are a gift from above. Yes, God uses even football! ;-)

I am rambling, I don't think my coffee has kicked in yet; but I know that God is working out these "little" things in my life, perhaps just so I will tell others how BIG his love is, so big that it reaches us through the mundane details of human life.


Melissa said...

It is so good to see/share/look for these evidences of our Father's tender mercy. Thank you for telling this part of your story, sweet Karrie. Do you know the song, "Mended", by Watermark? The chorus came to mind as I read your post:
You've got all things suspended
All things connected
Nothing was forgotten
'Cuz Your love is perfect
You are our Healer
And You know what's broken
We're not a mystery to You.

It soothes my soul to remember this. I pray that Christ will minister to you as you minister to those around you tonight.

Love you. MJJ

Kat said...

I am so glad that our Lord takes care of these details! It brings such peace to know that He is working all things for our good. It is an encouragement to see how He is working in another sister's life...thank you for sharing it with us, Auntie.

Michal said...

God is so amazing :) It always makes me feel much more at peace when I remember that he cares more than I do about even the little details. He's so good :) I love to see Him working in our lives! Thank you for sharing :)